Monday, November 5, 2012

Take Two!

Attempting to blog...Take Two!

Again, I find myself starting a blog. I wonder how often this happens out in blogland? A lot, I'm sure!

I don't really even know what this blog will be about? My life, my kids, hobbies, home decorating...who knows? I'm quite sure no one will read it. I don't even know if I will tell my husband about it.

I do know that lately I've found myself looking back at events in my life and wishing I had journaled or catologued them some way.

I have an awful memory. I mean really awful. In fact, I couldn't even remember the birth weight of my youngest child...seriously. Luckily, when I was unpacking our new house, I came across his crib card. Whew! Close one.

So anyway, that's it. My reasons to start a blog. The end. Or should I say The Beginning?